You Don't Pay Unless We Win

Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Contact Matthew Golden Law Firm Today

Texarkana Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Seek Compensation For Your Pain And Suffering

Thousands of motorcycle accidents occur each year in Texas and Arkansas. Because motorcycles afford their riders less protection than other motor vehicles, motorcycle accidents can result in serious injuries-even when a helmet is worn. The smaller size of motorcycles puts them at a further disadvantage since they can be harder to see than the cars and trucks on the road.


If you were injured in a motorcycle accident caused by another’s reckless behavior, talk to a Texarkana injury attorney at Matthew Golden Law Firm, PLLC.


Were you in a motorcycle accident caused by any of the following negligent behaviors?

  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Driving while overly fatigued or tired
  • Failure to perform necessary maintenance
  • Reckless driving
Free Consultation with Texarkana Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Matthew Golden Law Firm, PLLC has extensive experience in handling motorcycle accident cases. If you are injured and need representation, contact Matthew Golden Law Firm, PLLC immediately. No fee will be charged unless we recover for you. We can come to you in Miller County, Hempstead County, Lafayette County and beyond.

Call us with the details of your situation for a free case evaluation.